Dr Andrew Jacotine Surgical Services
After growing up on a farm near Echuca, Dr Andrew Jacotine attended the university of Melbourne graduating with first class honours in 1997. Small animal surgery has always been an area of professional interest beginning as an undergraduate. He completed distance education in surgery during his first year after graduation and passed membership examinations in small animal surgery in 2001. Practicing in North East Victoria, Dr Jacotine had a high primary caseload of fracture repair which developed into referral work over the next 15 years, receiving cases from all over northeast Victoria and southern NSW. He completed a Master of Applied Science at the University of Sydney in 2012. From 2012 to 2016 Andrew was the staff surgeon for a large group of clinics in inner Melbourne before returning to the northeast with his family and working full time as a consultant.
Dr Andrew has extensive experience in trauma surgery, surgery of the stifle and minimally invasive surgery. The advance procedures he offers include (TPLO) Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy, (MPL) Medial Patella Luxation, and (MIPO) Minimally Invasive Fracture Repair, laparoscopy including laparoscopic desexing and gastropexy. At Shepparton Veterinary Clinic, Andrew provides surgical services for both local and referral patients, allowing clients to access advanced procedures at a nearby clinic.